joi, 16 septembrie 2010

To my Grandfather, with love

This week, on the 14th, was my 22nd birthday. This year, on the same day, should have been my Grandfather's 77 birthday.

When ever i think of him i can not but smile. I have the most wonderful memories with him, and all about little things that were just among us. Like we used to have this thing called "the 5 o'clock slice of bread". It was so funny. Evevry day he used to make for the three of us - myself, my sister and my cousin- a lice of bread with margarine and gem or margarine and tomates, but he would never let us eat out side. He always said that not the kods have this and we might raise up their appetite just before dinner.

Every friday there was, and actually still is, this market in the center of the city, which was divided into vegetable market and market where you could find everything. And every friday my Grandfather and my Grandmother would go to the market very early in the morningand all the time they would bring us back this eatable necklaces made out of sweet ginger bread. They were delicious. When ever i see something like that, i have an instant smile on my face.

I have great memories about my Grandfather, but i think i will always remember the fact that even though he was a pretty difficult person, very strict, he loved with all his heart and there was never a thing he would say no to if we would ask him.

I miss my Grandfather. Especially this time of the year

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